Here is a quilt I designed named Desert Waves, because in the Arizona desert, there was the orange/red land , blue sky, and puffs of green plants. It it made of Log Cabin blocks.

These are the flowers that we planted in the garden. My favorite is the tall purple on the top. It is called Meadow Sage.

Finally, this is a drawing that I just completed today. It is called "Delectable Summer". I got the idea from a picnic I went to, and I figured since people paint fruit bowls all the time, I might as well doing something a little more exciting. After spending time working on it a few days ago, our dinner of pork-chops and scalloped potatoes seemed somewhat bland.

I found a website a few days ago called LibriVox. It has tons of free MP3 audio books. They have mostly classics. So far I have listened to The Phantom of the Opera and Pride and Prejudice. I have read Pride and Prejudice many times, but it was the first time I had ever read (or rather listened to) The Phantom of the Opera. It was really good!
Right, now I am working on a quilt for my mom. She had 17 old dresses in the back of my closest, most of which she made. She never wears them anymore, so she agreed to let me cut them up and make them into a quilt. It's going pretty well. I have 18 of 90 blocks finished.
On June 13th, at 2:30, I have a dance recital. I'm so excited! We are dancing to a piano piece this year....it is a gorgeous song. I also might be going back to the friend's farm in June. It will be an interesting month.
Well, that's all!
1 comment:
WoW! Not even sure where to begin commenting. You have so many talents, and it is a pleasure to see all of your creativity here. You certainly chose an appropriate title! By they way, salivating over your summer foods picture!
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