Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I don't know about you, but I always used to hate having my picture taken. I mean, if someone REALLY wanted to take my picture, I'd let them....but I always felt awkward and silly, and even kind of ugly.

However, my wonderful Stephen is a photographer at heart, and he LOVES taking pictures.......especially of me! And that doesn't match well with being camera-shy. So, I've gotten used to having my picture taken, and thanks to him, I even have started to feel decently good about them!

But, with that in mind, when my brother-in-law Tim decided that he might want to get into the photography business and needed some people to practice on, I readily volunteered my services. So we set a date, and decided that first we would take pictures of Tim and Cati by the Grape St. sign, and then let Tim take pictures of me. Stephen was a trooper and graciously agreed to come along and take pictures for Tim and Cati, and be part of my pictures!

So, all that to say, here are some of the favorites!


Claire said...

These are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I LOVE photoshoots...

Celia said...

Those came out gorgeous! Love your dress Alli! =)