Monday, October 8, 2012

A Lovely Little Town

Two weekends ago my Man and I went down to the adorable little town of Angelica, NY, for their annual civil war re-enactment. This is definitely a favorite of ours, for several reasons: it's small, it's relaxed and casual, it's right in town, there are great antique stores, and we get to eat at Black Eyed Susan!

This year was made even better by the fact that we were able to camp for the entire weekend, and we had some amazing friends to camp with! It was a learning experience, as these things always are - it was cold, kind of rainy, and I had a frog in my tent several times! But it was also stress-free, filled with laughter, and full of memories!

Our camp - nestled between a beautiful old house and a bakery:

The main battle - Stephen's regiment (the 34th North Carolina) became the 158th New York (I think?) for the weekend:

Saturday evening's ball: 

The "peck-peck" chick toy that everyone in camp could spend hours playing with: 

The whole wonderful gang - trying to look serious, but it's just not working!

We're really just a bunch of goofballs!


Michaela said...

Allison, Angelica was so much fun! Glad you were able to camp with us! You and Steven were a great addition to our crazy group :) Your pictures of the ball turned out so clear and bright. They look great!

Emily Ann Putzke said...

I love the pictures!!! That was an awesome reenactment and it was great to see you again!