Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Study of Proverbs 31 - Week #3 - Virtuous

A godly woman is virtuous.

 "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." - Proverbs 31:10

Strong's Concordance: Virtuous - an army, a force; strength, valor, ability. 

Webster's Dictionary: having virtue; morally excellent; chaste. 

To be virtuous is to have moral excellence, and to be a force of strength, valor, and ability. 

1. 2 Samuel 22:33 - God is our strength
2. Psalm 18:39 - God gives us the strength to battle
3. Psalm 33:16-17, 49:6 - We are not saved by our own virtue and strength
4. Psalm 60:12, 108:13 - God enables us to be virtuous because he defeats our enemies
5. Proverbs 12:4 - A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband
6. Proverbs 31:3 - Don't waste your virtue on things that destroy you and take you away from God
7. Habbakuk 3:19 - God is our strength and will help us to be virtuous
8. Philippians 4:8 - Think about virtuous things
9. 2 Peter 1:3 - We are called to be virtuous, and through the knowledge of Him we have the power to do so
10. 2 Peter 1:5 - Add virtue to your faith

I was surprised by the meaning of "virtuous" in Proverbs 31:10. I expected it to mean "moral excellence" but only three times is that definition used (Phil 4:8, 2Pet 1:3, 2Pet 1:5). All the other references to "virtue" or "virtuous" are this "army, force, strength" that is talked about in Proverbs.

At the beginning of Proverbs 31, Solomon is warned not to throw away his strength and virtue on an adulterous woman, by implication anything that will destroy you and distance you from God. Instead, he is told to find a wife who also has strength, valor, and moral excellence. 

We are to add moral excellence to our faith, and meditate on excellent things. If we are virtuous, we will be a crown to our husbands, and to God.

However, it is not by our own strength and virtue that we are saved. God has called us to virtue, and it is through the knowledge of Him that we have the power to do so. He defeats our enemies, gives us strength, and lifts us up to virtue. 

Virtue is the summation of all the rest of the characteristics displayed by a Godly woman.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Study of Proverbs 31 - Week #2 - Fears the Lord

A godly woman fears the Lord. All other good attributes flow out of this.

Strong's Concordance - Fear: fearing, morally reverent
Webster's Dictionary - Fear: to have reverential awe of
Webster's Dictionary - Revere: to show devoted deferential honor to; to regard as worthy of great honor.

To fear the Lord is to be so in awe of him that you show him the great honor, devotion, and respect that He is worthy of.

How do we fear Him, what does it mean?

1. Deuteronomy 6:1-2 - to keep His law
2. Deuteronomy 6:24 - His commandments are for our own good
3. Deuteronomy 10:12-13 - to love, serve, and obey Him
4. Deuteronomy 14: 22-23 - to tithe, in order to learn to fear God
5. Deuteronomy 17:18-19 - to read the law, in order to learn to fear God
6. Joshua 4:23-24 - to know He is mighty
7. Joshua 24:14 - to serve Him
8. 1 Samuel 12:14 - to serve and obey, and He will bless
9. 1 Samuel 12:24 - to serve Him, because of the great things He has done
10. Job 28:28 - to fear Him is wise
11. Psalm 19:9 - to fear Him is pure, and will endure forever
12. Psalm 22:23-24 - to praise and glorify Him, because He heard our cry
13. Psalm 25:14 - will receive council, friendship, and intimacy with Him
14. Psalm 38:8-9 - to stand in awe of Him, because of what He has done
15. Psalm 34:8-10 - those who fear will be blessed, will not want for any good thing
16. Psalm 111:10 - is the beginning of wisdom
17. Psalm 112:1 - to delight in His commands
18. Psalm 115:11-13 - to trust Him
19. Psalm 118:4 - will experience His mercy
20. Psalm 128:1 - to walk in His ways
21. Proverbs 1:7 - is the beginning of knowledge
22. Proverbs 3:7 - to not think ourselves wise, to depart from evil
23. Proverbs 8:13 - is to hate evil
24. Proverbs 9:10 - is the beginning of wisdom
25. Proverbs 10:27 - will prolong your days
26. Proverbs 14:2 - to walk in uprightness
27. Proverbs 14:26 - has strong confidence, is a place of refuge
28. Proverbs 14:27 - is the fountain of life
29. Proverbs 15:16 - is better than treasure
30. Proverbs 15:33 - is the instruction of wisdom
31. Proverbs 16:6 - to depart from evil
32. Proverbs 19:23 - tends to life, is satisfying
33. Proverbs 22:4 - gives riches, honor, and life
34. Proverbs 23:17 - does not envy sinners
35. Isaiah 33:6 - is our treasure
36. Isaiah 50:10 - to obey His voice, to trust Him in the darkness
37. Jeremiah 5:23-24 - to fear Him, because He provides our needs

To fear God is wise, pure, enduring forever, the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, a place of refuge, the fountain of life, better than treasure, and satisfying.

To fear God means that we love, serve, and obey Him; we know that He is mighty, praise, glorify, stand in awe of, and trust Him; we humble ourselves before Him, depart from evil, delight in His commands, walk in His ways, walk in uprightness, hate evil, and do not envy sinners.

We can learn to fear God by reading His law, and tithing.

We fear God because He has done great thing for us, He hears our cry, He is in command of the entire universe, He provides our needs, and it is for our own good.

If we fear God, we will receive His blessing, mercy, council, friendship, and intimacy; every good thing we need, long life, riches, and honor.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Study of Proverbs 31

Tuesday mornings are a lovely time in our home. Stephen gets up early (hello, 6am) and heads off to a men's Bible study with his dad, and I sit down with a quiet breakfast and a hot cup of coffee, and do some studying on my own. When he gets home, we compare notes and discuss thoughts from our own separate studies.

I decided that the first thing I would study was the classic women's chapter of Proverbs 31. While this chapter is almost cliche and so heavily quoted, I feel like it is often glossed over or not read very intently. I decided that I wanted to deeply study and truly know what it means to be a Godly women, according to this chapter.

I felt God leading me to share my studies, so that is what I'll be doing here. I started by reading each verse carefully and listing what attributes a Godly woman has. Then, each week, I focus on one attribute, defining it and finding verses that relate to it. I hope that this is as educational, encouraging, and challenging to you as it has been for me!

Study of Proverbs 31 - Week #1 - The Attributes of a Godly Woman

v.10 - virtuous
v.11 - trustworthy, especially with resources
v.12 - committed to doing him good - not selfish
v.13 - willingly works
v.14 - traveling, seeking to fill her families needs
v.15 - is not lazy, cares for her family and servants first, prepares them for success
v.16 - makes wise decisions, understands her husbands business needs, participates in his business
v.17 - cares for herself so that she is strong
v.18 - knows the value of her work, is industrious
v.20 - is generous to and helps those in need
v.21 - is prepared for the future
v.22 - makes even the basic necessities for her house, clothes herself as would befit a nobleman's wife
v.24 - makes good product, works hard to sell it
v.25 - strong and honorable, rejoices in the future instead of worrying about it
v.26 - speaks wisdom and kindess
v.27 - is a good manager of her household, is not idle
v.28 - fears the Lord - this is most important; all else stems out of this

The result of her virtue?

v.10 - is very valuable
v.23 - her husband has a good reputation
v.28 - children call her blessed, husband praises her
v.31 - enjoys the fruit of her labor, has a good reputation

The Attributes

1. Fears the Lord - v.30
2. Virtuous - v.10
3. Trustworthy - v.11
4. Committed - v.12
5. Self-sacrificing - v.12, 15, 20
6. Willing to work - v.13
7. Economical, thrifty - v.14
8. Industrious - v.15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 27
9. Supportive - v.15, 16, 23
10. Wise - v.16, 26
11. Generous - v.20
12. Compassionate - v.20
13. Prepared - v.21
14. Humble - v.22
15. Honorable - v. 25
16. Joyful - v.25
17. Peaceful - v.25

The Results
25. Valuable - v.10
26. Praised, blessed, loved - v.28
27. Enjoys the fruit of her labor - v. 31
28. Gives husband good reputation and has good reputation of her own - v.23, 31