Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wreck This Journal..And Yes, I Do Mean WRECK

Why on earth would I want to wreck a journal??? Creative destruction; the book is dedicated to perfectionists. What is it about? Well, you are literally supposed to wreck this book. Here are some examples of what the book tells you to do:
1)Fill in this page when you are really angry
2)Tear out [this page]; crumple
3)Cover this page using only office supplies
4)Cut through several layers [of the pages]
5)Climb up high, drop the journal
6)Tear this page out. Put it in your pocket. Put it through the wash. Stick it back in.
Other things include cracking the spine, spilling your coffee on it, smearing dirt on it, even taking it in the shower with you.
If I do one page a day, it will take me almost to the end of April to finish. So, to start it all off, here is day one:

No, the pages don't come colored. They are all nice and white and clean right now. It still looks like a new, normal book. You have no idea how much pleasure it gave me to color in a non-coloring book! I think everybody should get one for themselves; it's just plain fun to ruin a book =)

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