"She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." - v.26
A godly woman is wise.
Strong's Concordance - Wisdom: skill in war, wisdom in administration, shrewdness, prudence
Webster's Dictionary - Wisdom: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, good sense and judgment
Wise: marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment
1. Psalm 19:17 - the Lord's testimony (declaration) is established and faithful, and will make the foolish wise
2. Psalm 37:30 - the righteous speak wisdom
3. Proverbs 1:5 - a wise man continues to learn
4. Proverbs 1:7 - a fool despises wisdom
5. Proverbs 2:1-6 - if you apply yourself to seek wisdom, then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and He will give you His wisdom
6. Proverbs 2:10-11 - wisdom and discretion will preserve you
7. Proverbs 3:13-14 - the gain from wisdom is better than gold
8. Proverbs 4:5-9 - wisdom is the first and best thing, and will ornament you with grace
9. Proverbs 7:4-5 make wisdom like a sister so that you are not tempted or distracted by false strangers
10. Proverbs 8:11 - wisdom is better than rubies
11. Proverbs 8:14 - wisdom has strength
12. Proverbs 8:17 - those that seek wisdom early shall find it
13. Proverbs 8:19 - the fruit of wisdom is better than gold
14. Proverbs 8:20 - wisdom leads in a righteous way
15. Proverbs 8:32,34 - those that seek wisdom are blessed
16. Proverbs 8:33 - the wise will not refuse instruction
17. Proverbs 8:35-36 - those who find wisdom find life
18. Proverbs 10:8 - a wise man will receive commandments
19. Proverbs 10:13,31 - those with discernment will speak wisdom
20. Proverbs 11:2 - the humble have wisdom
21. Proverbs 12:18 - wise tongue is health
22. Proverbs 13:10 - those who take advice are wise, but pride brings conflict
23. Proverbs 13:20 - to be wise, you should walk with wise people
24. Proverbs 14:1 - a wise woman builds her house
25. Proverbs 14:8 - a prudent ma will give wise thought to this ways, but folly is deceiving
26. Proverbs 14:33 - wisdom is with the discerning person
27. Proverbs 15:2,7 - a wise mouth uses knowledge well and disperses it
28. Proverbs 16:16 - wisdom is much better than gold or silver
29. Proverbs 16:23 - a wise heart will speak wisdom
30. Proverbs 17:24 - wisdom is with the discerning person
31. Proverbs 18:4 - the fountain of wisdom is like a pouring river
32. Proverbs 19:20 - you will be wise if you receive counsel and instruction
33. Proverbs 24:3 - a home is built by wisdom
34. Proverbs 24:5-6 - wisdom is strong and there is safety in a group of counselors
35. Proverbs 24:13-14 - wisdom to the soul is like honey to the taste
36. Proverbs 26:12 - a man wise in his own conceit is more hopeless than a fool
37. Proverbs 29:15 - correction brings wisdom
38. Ecclesiasties 2:13 - wisdom is better than folly like light is better than dark
39. Ecclesiasties 7:12 - both wisdom and money are useful, but wisdom gives life
40. Ecclesiasties 7:19 - wisdom is stronger than ten mighty men
41. Ecclesiasties 9:18 - wisdom is better than weapons of war
42. Ecclesiasties 10:10 - wisdom gives good direction
43. Jeremiah 9:23 - we ought not glory in our wisdom
44. Romans 11:33 - God's wisdom is deep with riches
45. Romans 12:16 - be not wise in your own conceits
46. 1 Corinthians 1:30 - Jesus is our wisdom
47. 1 Corinthians 2:7-10 - God's hidden wisdom is revealed to us by the Spirit
48. 1 Corinthians 3:19 - the world's wisdom is as foolishness to God
49. Colossians 2:2-3 - all the treasures of wisdom are in Christ
50. James 1:5-6 - if we ask God with faith for wisdom, He will give it liberally
51. James 3:13-17 - anyone who is truly wise will show meekness, instead of pride, selfishness, and jealousy. God's wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere.
Wisdom is a vast and deep subject in the Bible, and this is by no means an exhaustive list.
What a beautiful metaphor: wisdom is better than folly like light is better than dark. Why is light so good? It allows you to see clearly, and in seeing provides good judgment and discernment. It shows dirt in the corner to clean out; it helps you see the fine details on a delicate project; it helps you discern between friend and enemy; it allow you to take stock of anything coming against you so you know best how to fight it off.
Darkness, on the other hand, obscures your vision, tricks you into seeing things that aren't really there and keeps you from seeing the truth, fills you with fear and causes you to make poor decisions or at least fail in your good attempts. So, wisdom is better than folly.
The rewards of wisdom are better than gold, silver, and rubies; both wisdom and money are useful, but wisdom brings life. God's wisdom is deep with riches. Wisdom is stronger than tan the brute force of ten mighty men, and is a better defense than the weapons of war. It will preserve you and keep you from being led away by temptations, and will lead you in a good and righteous way. Wisdom gives good direction and counsel. In all your efforts to grow and learn, make sure you learn wisdom, for it is the first and best thing; those who find it find life, blessing, and an ornament of grace. Wisdom is to your soul like honey is to your taste.
If you would find wisdom, apply yourself to seeking it early, and God will give you His wisdom. The fountain of wisdom is like a pouring river - it gushes and gushes and cannot be stopped. Be willing to receive correction and instruction, and surround yourself with wise people. Diligently seek the Scriptures, for the Lord's words are long established and always faithful, and will make you wise. If we ask God for wisdom, with faith intending to act upon it, then He will give it to us liberally. We will find wisdom in Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit God's hidden wisdom is revealed to us.
We are warned not to seek the world's wisdom, because it is as foolishness to God, and the wisdom of God is often thought of as foolish by the world. We also should not be prideful in our wisdom or think we know it all, because that person is more hopeless than a fool, and a fool despises wisdom.
Instead, a truly wise person will show meekness, because God's wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. A wise person will be humble, righteous, and discerning. they will continue to learn and not refuse instruction. They will take advice and give wise thought to their ways. A wise person will speak wisdom and use their knowledge well, giving health to those who hear them. Lastly, it is through seeking, using, and speaking wisdom that we will build our house strong.
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